Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Organisation & Research into target Audience: Shot 1 Establishing scene.

When I was conducting my research into existing products every movie started with an establishing shot to set the sense. So I have decided to create two establish shots to set the scene of my trailer. Bothe the shots are set in different locations and at different times. For the establishing scene I have decided to film it outside. I have used an establishing shot with a tracking for the first shot I ahem filmed in on a street in a middle class neighbourhood with lots of houses. This was filmed at 6:30 am the reason as to why I filmed the neighbourhood because majority of the shots are filmed in a house and the home makes the couple look settled and it shows their relationship as more defined and serious. I like this scene put I would prefer the neighbourhood to be more opulent and I would prefer to shoot it in the city where there are say scraper and its more visually pleasing.

Scene number two: I filmed this establishing scene in town in the Christmas season where there was a big wheel and ice skating rink which was right next to the hotel. I prefer this scene because I filmed my trailer in a hotel even though it was this specific hotel it carries the opulence that I desired nd this big wheel reinforces this festive season which is a really family happy, oriented time of the year. Thew sky is beautiful and bright and tones into to a pretty yellow sunset. I personally like the second establishing scene.

I have decided too ask my fiend on her opinion of the scene for another perspective and as she represents my ideal target group her input is extremely significant and its interesting to hear her opinion, because if she doesn't like it there are lots of places in Birmingham which will successfully set the scene for my trailer and if she loves them then the one she chooses I will insert into my trailer.

I have asked two of my friends and they both have told me that they prefer the establishing scene in town with the wheel, they have explained that 'the big wheel is iconic in England so it shows that its set in the city' and the other says that 'the sunset is brighter and you can see the building and the big wheel which adds to the winter effect'. For this reason I have decided to use the big wheel scene as the establishing scene because not only does my audience prefer it but I do to and the establishing scene sets my trailer.

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