Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Organisation creating a faded effect.




For extra effect I have decided to blend different photos to make my poster look high quality and be original and captivating, I have experimented with some apps and the best one was an app called 'fused' I decided to use the photo of the male protaganist the original photo was not professional nor was it high quality but I still wanted to use it as I like the representation of it. I decided to use the photos and turn them black and white as this makes the photo blend clearer and more effectively. I then decided to use cities and beautiful sunsets beach the trailer is set in a beautiful city and I wanted to incorporate the location as well as elements from the plot. The app has different effect is could make the background white and inside completely bled or the background be blended it was very easy and effective to use, plus it was time consuming so I didn't spend a lot of time on doing this effect which if I did it on a photoshop it would've been way more complex and time consuming. I am actually impressed as to how it turned out the only problem was that it was Watermarked however I can fix this by either cropping it or blurring it out. This app really helped me bring my vision to like and helped me to be creative and experiment to create a high quality photo, I will ask my peers though if they like this creation and which of these they like the best. 

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